Why is there such an Association? The mission of our Association is to make known the heritage of the Township of Potton in the Eastern Townships. We promote the conservation and preservation of our heritage. In this way, members of the Association hope to contribute to the socio-economic improvement of the Township and to the improvement of their living environment.
How long has this Association existed? Potton Heritage Association was formed in 1990 as a not-for-profit organization, administered by a Board of Directors elected annually by its members.
Who are its members? Potton Heritage has more than 200 loyal members : citizens and friends of the Township of Potton who wish to encourage and participate in the activities of the Association.
What is the heritage of the Township of Potton? The most well known elements are likely its public and private buildings such as churches, the Townhall, the Round Barn, the Covered Bridge, Manson House and Place Manson, or the « common ». Add to those, the Giroux and Giroux building, the wharves at Perkins and Knowlton Landing, Jewett’s Store, the Aubergine as well as archeological sites. Heritage is not exclusively older buildings. Natural landscapes such as Lake Memphremagog, Fullerton and Sugar Loaf Ponds, the Misssisquoi and Missisquoi-North Rivers, nature reserves and our mountains, such as Owl’s Head, form part of Potton’s natural heritage. Man made landscapes are also part of our heritage, such as farms and pastures, as well as recreational areas.
Are there other elements that define heritage in Potton? Family history and tradition, when taken together, form a tapestry of heritage in any locality or region. As communities grow, so too does our common heritage expand with our perceptions of it. Potton Heritage members believe that it is the duty of each generation to conserve, enrich and transmit to the succeeding generation the history and heritage it has received from those who passed. The protection of the geology and biology of the abundant natural heritage which surrounds us is also of primary concern to the Association members.
How does the Association achieve its objectives? The Association authors many publications, about forty brochures, leaflets, books and most recently a bilingual magazine HISTOIRE POTTON HISTORY. We sponsor lectures and excursions throughout the year in order to inform and show our members interesting historical or heritage sites found within our region. Our web site (www.pottonheritage.org) keeps members informed of our activities and allows those members who are interested, access at no charge, to our digital archives and collection of photographs.
Does the Association participate in community life? The Association played a pivotal role in the citation and preservation of the Round Barn, and Potton’s Covered Bridge. We regularly participate in, and sponsor cultural events. On several occasions, we have actively defended the protection and promotion of Potton’s heritage before the municipal and regional authorities, with excellent result.