Rules adopted by the Board of Directors
June 17th 2019
- The contest is open to all, resident of Potton or not. The members of the Board of Potton Heritage, their spouses and children are eligible to participate, given the symbolic nature of the prizes awarded.
- Photos must have been taken in the Township of Potton.
- A candidate may submit a maximum of five (5) photos, in printed format, numbered from 1 to 5. Because the space for the presentation of works is limited, the Association reserves the right to reduce the number of works exhibited by each participant.
- Photos must be printed on photo paper and delivered in an 8 “x 10” or 8 “x 12” format and can be in color or black and white.
- On the back of each photo, the candidate should indicate where the photo was taken and, if possible for old photographs, the approximate date. The candidate will also indicate his name, telephone number, email address and mailing address.
- To be included in the contest, printed copies of all entries must be sent to the Potton Heritage Association, PO BOX 262, MANSONVILLE QC J0E 1X0; or handed to Robert Joli, 282 chemin Leadville, Potton, [450-292-0569] at the latest one (1) week prior to the Festival, due date, August 2nd, 2019.
- Printed photographs will be returned after the contest, by simply asking Robert Joli.
- The Association will also accept digital photos for publication on the Association’s website. Only those in jpg format that do not surpass 2 Mo will be accepted for publication.
- The digital photos must be sent to the following email address:
[ ]. Please note, however, that to enter the contest you must submit photos in print format, the digital format being optional. - Three winners will be chosen by secret ballot of the public at the Festival.
- The winning photos will be laminated and exhibited with all entries, at the municipal Library in the fall of 2019.
- By submitting a photograph to the contest, the candidate automatically authorizes the Potton Heritage Association to use it for its website, publications and exhibitions provided the author of the photograph is clearly identified. No remuneration will be paid to the author for such use.
Potton Heritage Association, June 17th, 2019
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