Potton Heritage Association

Winter Activities – 2011

Discovering our historical and natural Heritage
by Snow-shoeing – Cross Country Skiing – Walking

Everyone welcome !

Saturday, January 8, 10 a.m.

Easy excursion, snow-shoeing or cross-country skiing at camping Havre-des-îles, close from Potton Spring historical site. Meet : Chemin Westhill & Route 243.
Hosts:  Jacques &Terry  (450) 292-3020 (max. 24 pers.).

Saturday, January 15, 10 a.m.

Intermediate snow-shoe excursion on Mount Peevee. Meet : corner of Sugar Loaf & du Domaine. Hosts: Yolande & Ralph  (450) 292-0430 (max. 15 pers.).

Saturday, January 22, 10 a.m.

Easy excursion, snow-shoeing or cross-country skiing in the Nature Reserve between Sugar Loaf & Elephantis Mountains. With a Scottish flavor celebrating the poet Robby Burns. Meet : 50, Ch. Hilmar Krausser. Hosts : Diane & Michael (450) 292-4432. (max. 30 pers.).

Saturday, January 29, 10 a.m.

Easy excursion, snow-shoeing or cross-country skiing in a private forest. Meet : 70 Schoolcraft. Hosts: Jean-Louis & Thérèse  (450) 292-0202 (max. 25 pers.).

Saturday, February 5, two groups: 8 a.m. or 10 a.m.

8 a.m. : Intermediate snow-shoe excursion (4h) to Singer Mountain with Frank Ruiz.

10 a.m. : Easy excursion, snow-shoeing or cross-country skiing on the Ruiter Valley Land Trust. Both groups meet : 171, chemin Ruiterbrook.
Hosts: Hans & Angèle (450) 2929-3566 (max. 30 pers.)

Saturday, February 12: Valentine party. (2 groups: 4 p.m. and 5 p.m.)

4 p.m.: easy evening snow-shoe excursion. Meet: corner of Westhill & route #243. Bring headlight or other flashlight.

5 p.m.: skating at Park André Gagnon on route 243.

6 :30 p.m : Potluck supper at the Anglican Church. Bring a dish & beverage.
Reservation before February 5th with Yolande Lamontagne (450) 292-0430.

Saturday, February 19, 10 a.m. 

Easy excursion, snow-shoeing on private trail which was the former escape route for black American fleeing segregation and slavery. Meet : 204 Peabody.
Host: Alain Giasson but confirm with Edith 292-0547 (max. 30 pers.).

Saturday, February 26, 10 a.m. 

Easy excursion, snow-shoeing or cross-country skiing, on private trail. Meet : 418 Leadville. Hosts: Béatrice & Karsten : (450) 292-6872 (max. 30 pers.).

Saturday, March 5, 10 a.m. 

Easy excursion, snow-shoeing or cross-country skiing in the Green Mountain Nature Reserve and Ruiter Valley. Meet: 139 Westhill.
Hosts: Hilary & Michael (450) 292-3748 (max. : 30 pers.).

Saturday, March 12, 10 a.m. 

Easy excursion, snow-shoeing or cross-country skiing along the banks of Memphremagog lake. Meet : corner of  chemin du lac & Harry Georges.
Hosts: Gilles & Hélène (450) 292-4479 (max.  25 pers.).

Sunday, March 20:

General Assembly. Details to come.

NB: Excursions are free for members of the Potton Heritage Association, 5 $ for others. Excursions are cancelled when the weather does not cooperate. If there is not enough snow, we walk!
Lunch: you are invited for a hot soup & cheese by a member of the Association after the excursion for a 5 $ contribution. Bring your wine. Please, confirm your presence with the hosts a few days before each excursion since room is limited.

 For more information, call : Édith Smeesters, (450) 292-0547 or info@pottonheritage.org 

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