Potton Heritage Association

2015 Season’s greetings to everyone !

f_guiThis message, although brief, is intended to convey warmth and good wishes for the upcoming holiday season. The days shorten until we welcome the return of the light, the holidays and the birth of a New Year.

As I write this, it is sunny and crisply clear, with only a dusting of snow to tempt the hardy among us. I speak of course, of the intrepid souls happily undeterred by the prospect of shovelling, scraping or playing in the stuff! Please check our website for the full roster for 2016. Hans will again lead a group to the summit of Owl’s Head again this year to mark the Solstice. (Fingers crossed for a repeat of the extraordinary sunrise of last December).

At our AGM, scheduled for mid-April 2016, I shall update of all you about our Association’s projects this year. But for the time being, I shall spare you, and simply try to convey my sincere thanks to my fellow board of directors, and for all those who have helped us with our projects. Your enthusiasm and dedication makes it possible for us to continue to serve our community and share our passion for the preservation of Potton’s treasured heritage. I am so very privileged to be part of an extraordinarily energetic and devoted team.

As an Association member, you know that we depend on the collection of membership fees. I also remind you of those fees associated with after-excursion lunches in a host member’s homes. Won’t you please check your records and bring yourself up to date? If you’re not sure, contact me or another director who will check for you.

May each of us celebrate to whatever degree we choose and that we are able, the joy of sharing with family and friends, the joy in watching children grow and evolve in this, our privileged land of peace and plenty. For a time, let us set aside the fact that we inhabit a tired old world filled with competing sorrows, saturated it sometimes seems, with examples of man’s inhumanity to man that threaten to overwhelm. It is my fervent hope that the coming season will provide respite of a sort to all, where we may disconnect and rejoice in the spirit of the holidays, in fellowship and with family.

May the New Year bring each of us good health, the warmth of love, the comfort of home, joy for our children, and those we hold dear. With a grateful heart, may we each give and receive the true blessings of the season: love, joy, peace and hope.
With all warm wishes to each and every one of you,

Sig_SFSandra Jewett

P.S. Please don’t forget to come enjoy a concert of Christmas music at the Maison Église Marie-Paule Villeneuve on Saturday, December 12th beginning at 3 p.m. The selections to be performed by the Choeur des gens heureux are among our favourites. See you there after the Marché de Noël.

Happy Holidays to all of you!