Potton Heritage Association

Round Barn : end of season

Were our Round Barn still being used for agriculture, its second floor would be packed with hay and the harvested grain and corn needed for feeding milking cows in winter. During the summer, the stable would likely have been white washed and cleaned – the calf pens cleaned and readied. Nearly all the equipment would now be safely under cover on the third floor. The water bowls and lines would have been checked, and the stable cleaner verified. Increasingly colder nights would mean that soon the cows would be in their stalls for the winter months. The farmer would be well pleased with the harvest of summer and prepared for the change of seasons. Life on the farm would assume a different rhythm.

And so it goes for us when the seasons change – when the brilliant colours of autumn fade and fallen leaves cover the ground – we prepare for the inevitability of winter and give thanks for the bounty of the summer.

Potton’s public market will soon close after offering the last of a bountiful harvest. Jams and jellies, winter squash and pumpkins, potatoes and crisp apples now replace the tender produce of summer. Our guided visits of the place will soon end as well. Our barn will soon close for the season.

Potton Heritage Association is indeed grateful to all those who devoted much time and energy to the 100th anniversary celebration of our Round Barn. Although its vocation has changed, it is an identifying landmark of our village of which everyone is proud. So many people worked on the centennial project and will continue in fund raising efforts for essential repair of the structure.

It seems that Potton’s greatest asset is neither the Round Barn, its landscapes, nor the Covered Bridge. Our greatest asset lies within the heart and talents of those who live here – either by birth or by choice. It began with our earliest pioneers, and is still evident in today’s family. People who think « What if? » and « Why not? » and who then put their shoulder to the wheel of making the dream a reality – and inspiring others to follow suit. That is the backbone of any community. I feel privileged to be a part of it – to make my own contribution for succeeding generations.

Sandra Jewett

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