Potton Heritage Association

About us

  • Founded in 1990, the Potton Heritage Association (PHA) pursues its objectives in three ways:
    1) a historical society devoted to the documentation and dissemination of the elements of local heritage,
    2) a lobby to promote the elements of heritage with public authorities,
    3) a meeting place favoring exchanges between people sharing common interests in relation to heritage.
  • Conferences and excursions are organized to introduce the region’s heritage sites.
  • The Association has numerous print and digital publications and organizes annual thematic exhibitions.
  • The Association’s website [www.pottonheritage.org] serves as a newsletter for members.
  • The digital library [www.patrimoinepotton.org/appnum] present the PHA’s collection of documentary material and photographic archives. These include reprints from Histoire Potton History and virtual presentations of past exhibitions.

Board of Directors 2024-2025

Lorraine Rouillard, president
Taïssa Hrycay, director
Pierre L’Heureux, director
Thierry Roger, secretary-treasurer
Virgil Tremblay, director

To reach us

e-mail : info@pottonheritage.org

Potton Heritage Association
P.O. Box 894
Mansonville (Québec) J0E 1X0